Friday, March 25, 2011

Videos of Liam

First let me just say that I have posted quite a bit tonight, and recently. So make sure you scroll down a bit to get all the updates! :)

I took this when Liam was 4 months old. He was being SO cute talking like crazy. Unfortunately I didn't have the camera on hand and Ryan wasn't home so I had to pick him up and go grab my phone to take some video, so I didn't get as good of talking. But it was still pretty good!

This video was taken a few days ago right after I fed Liam. He was being all cute, and then it got a little graphic.... :P It's hard to see in this teeny video, even when it's full screen (although that does make it better). But it was a lot...and out of nowhere! lol! And yes I know he's in a purple chair. There are trade-offs. Bella gets to use a "boy" carseat (according to her) and Liam has to sit in this purple bumbo.


Unknown said...

That was quite the unexpected avalanche!

Shauna said...

HAHA! I love your reaction! You're being all cutesy with him and then out of no where the mood suddenly changes!