Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Liam's surgery + funny video!

Sometime in January we all decided it was time to get sick. We were in and out of the doctor multiple times a week for over a month. Amidst these Dr. visits Liam got his first ear infection, a double one. After the antibiotics one side cleared up however the left side did not. We tried a new antibiotic and after three days on it took Liam back in, only to find nothing had happened. Then we started the round of shots. We did three rounds and the darn ear never cleared. This whole time there was fluid present in both ears, which we never were able to get rid of either. So after 3 months of a constant ear infection we finally got Liam in to get tubes put in his ears. I was terrified to put him under, and that was the worst Ryan went in with him for that! 5-10 mins later he came out totally bugged and we took him home!
We saw maybe 12 hours of happy baby and then he began to cut his second tooth and is still working on it! :) Hopefully he will begin to sleep longer at night without the help of ibuprofen!

This is a cute picture of him in his little "hospital" gown!

I took this video the other day when I got this hat back from my sister in law. I took pictures of him in it when he was first born, and was curious how it fit now that he's huge. The results were cracking me up!

Continue down for more new posts! :)

1 comment:

Los Bradshaw said...

You have the cutest kids!!!!! Love the pictures! Hey we are probably headed your way sometime this summer (date TBD) for a family wedding! We definitely want to see you guys! It's been forever!