Monday, July 11, 2011

The Daddy Daughter Kings Grand Ball!

So Ryan got the chance to go on a daddy daughter date to this ball in Lindon a few days after her birthday. I really tried hard to get Ryan to have his brother, who also went to this with our niece, take a picture of he and Bella dancing. But check out the sweet outfit he wore...

He was not thrilled about pictures! :) Doesn't he look awesome!? His mom made this prince Charming costume a few years back for his brother Riley when he worked at a preschool, and it seemed perfect for this occasion. Bella was thrilled!

How cute are these girls!? I love it! They had SO much fun!

I still haven't gotten the pictures from the Princess Festival from my sister in law's camera yet, and who knows when or if I ever will. So if I post some, they will have to be totally out of sequence! :)

1 comment:

Sydnie Florence said...

Was this at Hatfieldatopia?! (Like I know how to spell that!)