Sunday, November 6, 2011

Liam Turned One! And Trip to Washington!

This year we got to go to Washington for Liam's birthday! It turned out so awesome. My entire family was able to be there at the same time, so we scheduled a trip to the beach and rented a beach house for a few nights. It was so nice to all be together and to be forced to stay at home with each other! We were able to get a very good visit in those few days! The first two days we were there were pretty cold, but the last day was beautiful and warm and awesome! Perfect beach weather! And on the way home we stopped by the Tillamook cheese factory, as we always have with our old friends the Staples, which we missed this time around, however we were lucky to be able to have Kristina and her son Tanner along with us!

Also the day we drove up was Liams birthday! So Shauna and I whipped together a cake when we got there and we celebrated a few hours after arriving! (I shouldn't fail to mention that Shauna was actually the one to make the cake and cupcakes the day before we left. I simply helped decorate it...Thanks Shauna!)

Liam was very slow to dig in, but Grandpa CC tried to help things along a bit...

Liam's present this year was a new bookshelf for his room and a my first anywhere chair from PBK. That was way too hard to haul all the way to Washington, so instead we wrapped a bunch of books and let him open them up there on his birthday. He loves books! I will post a picture of his bookshelf and chair in a different post.

We got to see this beautiful sunset every night from the window of our Beach house! So pretty!

We attempted a family picture out on the beach one evening...didn't happen. It was so cold and SO windy that Anthony looked like a werewolf!

Bella loved the sand...Liam didn't. I didn't get many pictures of him on the beach :( which made me sad since I was hoping for some like the ones I got of Bella at that age for the kids bathroom. Oh well! :) He cried every time I tried, so I gave up!

The last day was so nice and we were able to go over to the dune and the tide pools.

Jeff caught two crabs with his bare hands but they were both females so he had to throw them back. He was bummed cause he wanted to cook one up and eat it. Next time we go we will have to rent a boat and go crabbing. We did that one was very interesting with little kids. Andrew Staples ended up getting bit on his finger and flinging the crab into his daughters face, which poked her and thoroughly terrified her I'm sure! lol!

Anthony thought he looked pretty slick in Bella's specs!

Kimberly was a trooper and took Bella up the sand dune. She even carried her half the way up! Thanks Kimberly!

Ryan carried Liam most of the way up the dune and got so sick Jeff had to go get Liam off of him and he had to lay down in the sand so he wouldn't throw up! Which would have been disgusting considering there were so many people sliding down that hill. They may have blindly slid into his pile of puke...even if it were buried! lol! But it was WAY hot and going up the dune was apparently even more so than down below. I obviously didn't attempt it. I did that as a kid. It was time for me to just hang back and take pictures! :)

Wish I had more pictures with me, my mom, Jeff, and Kristina in them...I think Jeff got a bunch but I don't have those. All in all it was a great trip and we were so glad we were able to make it and do the things we got to do while we were there!

1 comment:

BJ Barnes said...

Soooo fun to see everyone out enjoying the beach together!!! What a good Grandpa CC your dad, is!! :)