Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Bella!

I do realize this post is a little late, but our little toddler Bella, turned into a kid on June 22! About time! She has been acting like one for almost 2 years now! ;) For her birthday she got the much anticipated dollhouse which appeared much smaller at her cousins house than it does in our toy room. We were quite surprised by how huge it is in our house! lol! I was a little embarrassed actually to have anyone see it. Poor Liam will have no room for any toys now! :oP

I have a friend who interviews her kid every year and then puts up the answers and I thought this was a cute idea. Kind of like a journal of sorts! :) So I have interviewed Bella with her answers below! Enjoy!

What's your favorite color?
"All the colors"

What are some of your favorite things to do?
"making stuff!...I mean skip all that, I love playing with Liam"
(she LOOOOVES all things creative!)
-Dress ups
-Play barbies

What do you want to be when you grow up?
"Right now I'm an artist, and then when I grow up more, I'll be a teacher!"

Who is your best friend?

What makes you happy?
"When dad comes home from work"

What makes you sad?
"When my friends have to go home"

What makes you ANGRY?
"Nothing makes me an-gry! :P"

What is the best part about being a big sister?
"Playing with my little brother"

What is the hardest part?
"Being nice to Liam"

What do you like to do with Mom?
"Make cookies and cakes!"d

What do you like to do with Dad?
"Play house with him"

What does your mom like?
"hmm...when I clean my room!"

What does your dad like?
"when I be nice"

What does Liam like?
"When I make funny faces at him!"

What is your favorite food?
"broccoli and mushrooms and carrots!"

What is your favorite treat?
"all of them!"

How old are you now?

1 comment:

Sydnie Florence said...

I love the interview! (sorry I just commented on every post haha I couldn't help it I was just so behind!)