Sunday, June 12, 2011

The New Van!

So we got a new van. It's been a month now, but the first day we got it home, I was backing out of the driveway, which has a curb at the end, and didn't realize how low to the ground the van sat...went over it too fast I guess and the front bumper slammed onto the concrete popping it out of place, knocking some rubber piece that holds the bumper on, off, and partially knocking off the undercarriage cover. I have been waiting to take a picture until it got fixed and now it is, $400 later! So ridiculous.
Anyway I totally love this van. It is a Honda Odyssey Touring 2006. It only had 37000 miles on it! For those of you who aren't yet sold on vans, here are the reasons why I would drive NO other vehicle as a mom!

-It drives SO easy. Easier than the Subaru
-There is DVD with multiple sound outlets. The kids can listen to the DVD while you listen to the Radio if you wish! (Yes I realize this isn't only a van feature!)
-The sliding doors, while not appealing are so awesome for 2 reasons: 1) You can open them with the push of a button and 2) While putting a car seat (with a baby inside) into the car, you don't have to worry about your car door hitting the car parked next to you! Something SO hard to do, when you have a huge baby like I did... (yes did, I will explain later!)
-I can not only open the sliding doors with the push of a button, but the TRUNK or cargo or whatever you want to call it, as well!!! So I'm walking to my car with Liam in one arm, and two sacs from a store that doesn't have cart return areas outside, and bam, with the push of a button my life gets so much easier!
-While we are driving on a road trip, or any lengthy drive, even to Provo, if one of the kids needs something, I can unbuckle myself, WALK into the back, and join them! :) It is all so easy!
-Other things that are so much easier include: changing diapers, nursing, putting kids in PJ's, feeding Liam baby food, etc...
(these are the things that I love after having used the outback for so many years with a kid!

There you have it! Buy a van! They really are much better than people give them credit for! :)

Also, how I mentioned that I USED to have a huge baby, it's because Liam had his 9 month checkup on the 1st and he weighed in at 19 lb 6 oz and 27.9 inches. Meaning he really hasn't grown since his 6 month appt. He maybe grew .5 inches! lol! So he is now in the 25th percentile for both weight and height! Quite a difference from 95th! :)

1 comment:

Almira said...

If left this message to you on my blog, but then I figured you probably wouldn't get it anytime soon:

I know. 2 weeks till she's due...of course I'll probably go mad if she stays 2 weeks late, but what's another month I guess? Hotel Nel must be awfully cozy but I just can't wait to meet her and snuggle her! Awesome that you're doing a 5K! I must say that I'm actually the same way when it comes to treadmills and road running. I get SOOO bored. I have to run on trails or I putter out really fast. Try finding a trail somewhere and you might like it a whole lot better! Miss you terribly! Anastasia is getting hitched in August so if all goes well with this little baby we'll be out there the 3rd week in August...wish you guys were in WA at that time!