Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Playset & Easter

We've been up to a lot lately, but have been so tired due to Liam's ear infection, and have had so much to do, I haven't had a chance to update the blog. First, Bella started gymnastics with her cousin, which she is LOVING. I don't have pictures yet, but I really need to get some, and when I do, I'll post a few. We also got a new addition to our backyard! Finally we have a playset...and three weeks later the best it is set up is what is in these pictures! It is still missing the slide, ladder/rock wall, and swing set. Not to mention the playhouse door! If the weather would just cooperate already Ryan and our neighbor could get it done! But it's been so crummy! I think it's starting to look up, so as soon as it's finished there will be more pictures!

Easter morning was fun, but rushed since we have 9 o'clock church. My vote is to have the Easter bunny come on Saturday next year...I'm pretty sure i'll win! :)

This year we decorated eggs with a glitter kit! Way cute, and FAR too complicated for a 3 year old! lol! She kept getting so bugged. But this is one of the eggs Bella did and she wrote her name on it. She was very proud of it in the end!

Liam, just hanging out with the one egg he found!

Bella got to find two Easter baskets this year, since Liam isn't old enough yet. Her's was in the cupboard on the outside of the kitchen and Liams was in the coat closet inside of his carseat.

How cute is this bunny!? It's a blabla doll and I'm obsessed with it!

We didn't go to our ward because Bella had an ear infection and a goopy eye which I had begun drops the day before, so we waited it out till the afternoon to expose her to other kids. But we did go to my cousin's mission farewell, and afterward Ryan and Bella went home and took a nap, while Liam and I went and hung out at my aunts for awhile. It was nice to visit with my aunt and uncle and cousins! Then we came home and went strait to Nanny and grandpa's house for the family Easter egg hunt.

I love this picture! :)

Liam was way more interested in the branches than the actual egg or candy!

Somewhere in the middle of all the craziness I found a chance to snap some pictures of the kids on the porch in their Easter attire!

I absolutely love the face Liam is making in this picture! It reminds me of my brother! :)


Shauna said...

Wait was the cousin you were talking about Ezra?? If so I didn't even know he got a mission call!

Florence Family Blog said...

Lol! Yes it was. He left last wednesday.

Shantelle said...

So cute! I love all the fun Easter pictures! And I LOVE your swingset! Where did you get it? We've been looking at them to get one this summer, but haven't found any that I really like yet. Sorry to hear about all the ear infections. That does not sound very fun. Hopefully he starts feeling better soon!