Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Day 2009!

So we had a really great Christmas this year! It was Ryan and my first Christmas since we got married that we have spent in our own home Christmas morning! It was just magical! :) Really we just had a really great year, and this was a great way to end it! Santa brought mom the studio lights that she has been wanting since she graduated three years ago! Dad got the new dress clothes he was wanting, but forbade any other purchases on his behalf...And Bella was just tickled at all the princess stuff she got from Santa this year! Especially her Cinderella movie she asked Santa for many times! She remembered too! Good thing he was able to find a pirated version since Cinderella isn't out again for another 5 years or so!
Anyway I didn't get any pictures of the "Santa" part. That was all video taped, pretty much the whole thing, but I got a few from the aftermath! We had a fun time this year.

I just love this girl in this coat and hat combo! So cute!

Apparently I am SO excited about these soft cushy socks I got...nevermind the new studio lights towering over my head...

I just loved this face! It's like a chubby kid cheese!

Yay! The bum gets to dress up!

Bella helping dad open his present from HER!

The occasional picture of me does get taken...keep in mind this was early Christmas morning! No time for showers, makeup and hair!

We were a little worried about how long Christmas morning would last the first time we saw her open a present this year. SLOW and teenie tiny peices at a time! However on Christmas morning it was a different story! She went to TOWN! She was just tearing through the presents! We hardly had time to process her gifts ourselves, and we were the one's who gave them!

Something that will never happen again...using moms new softbox as a tent!

This is her 'show mom' face!

Bella yelling "I a princess! I a princess!" while jumping up and down in her new nighty!

Bella and Ryan's cousin Emmy, watching The Little Mermaid, at the family dinner at his grandparents that night! I thought it was cute!

Casey looks about how we all feel right about now...